
Hi there! My name is Natasha Kravchuk. My handsome husband, Vadim, and I started Natasha’s Kitchen in 2009 and develop recipes and recipe videos full time together.

I come from a family of fantastic cooks and I’m here to share generations of recipes that are homey, fresh, healthy, family-friendly, authentic, and  adventurous. Most importantly, our recipes taste great and you can trust that they actually work.


My Family:

My parents came to the US as refugees from Ukraine when I was 4 years old. They brought 5 tiny girls and had nothing but a stack of suitcases. They didn’t know the language, but worked hard and achieved the American dream. Watch the TV News Segment about our incredible story.

Growing up, I used to be so shy I thought no one would marry me until my husband came along and swept me off my feet (true story). I married my wonderful husband Vadim over 16 years ago. We are blessed with two children. Every recipe is thoroughly tested and approved by each of us and is often critiqued by relatives and friends. We only post the recipes we love and make over and over.

We live in Idaho, “Ida-who?” Potatoes, people, potatoes! Our family attends Life Church Boise. We strive to walk in love and live our lives by the word of God and the life of Jesus.


My Background:

We’re so thankful to be full-time foodies and recipe developers. We’re living our dream because of you and I can’t thank you enough! I draw on all of my past experience which make me the recipe developer, video creator, photographer, writer, and business owner that I am today. We set the bar high so you can expect great recipes and videos here. God has made all of my past experiences work for my good.

The ‘Resume’:

  • Starting as a teen, I worked for 7 years as a business intern (my most valuable ‘education’).
  • Earned my bachelors degree in Business (long story)
  • Worked as a Realtor for 4 years during which I had an early mid-life crisis and cried a lot (let’s just say it wasn’t for me).
  • Second Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and worked as an RN in telemetry (shorter story, but still long).
  • Blogging since 2009

So, I’m a wife, mom, food blogger, video creator, photographer, writer, influencer, social media boss, entrepreneur, and worship leader. If I were a sandwich, I’d be a chicken bacon avocado on focaccia.

About Natasha’s Kitchen:

I started this food and family blog in 2009 as a way to share favorite recipes and events with family and friends. It has grown much larger than I could have imagined with about 1,000 recipes and about 7 Million hungry visitors per month. In April 2020, we passed 1,000,000 subscribers on Youtube and our channel is growing fast.

My goal with Natasha’s Kitchen is for you to really discover and fall in love with cooking and find many new favorite recipes your family will love. The ingredients we use are simple and easily accessible; not overly hoity-toity. My motto: if you can read (a well-written, tested and trusted recipe), you can cook.

This is a personal website and all of the recipes are tested and approved by my family. All of the photography is done by myself and I’m the one showing up in our videos. My husband edits the photos and videos (and he’s the videographer single-handedly running 3 cameras at once).

Much of the recipes I share come from my Mom and Mother-in-law, family, friends, and experience in the kitchen. I am so thankful to have such amazing people in my life who generously share their rich knowledge of cooking.

How I got Started Cooking:

To be completely honest, I wasn’t always excited about cooking. When I got married in 2003, it became a necessity – “must eat to live” and Mom wasn’t doing the cooking anymore. We had a lot of frozen meals and ate out too much in the first year of our marriage. I had a free summer (and decided I would improve my cooking skills so we could live and eat healthier.

I dove into cookbook after cookbook and plundered my mom’s recipe books. I was at the library all the time bringing home piles of cookbooks; I was hooked! I even read my mother’s cooking textbook from her college days (Mom completed her culinary program when we moved to the US). I had discovered the joy of cooking. Within a few months, my husband and I each lost weight just from cooking more at home. Now I can’t stop cooking and thinking about cooking and dreaming about cooking… I was born for this!

My recipe collection continues to grow. I love to try new recipes and will share my favorites with you. I hope you enjoy this blog and find recipes that will become your family favorites as well.

Get Featured: If you would like your recipe featured on this site, email it to me by clicking here (warning: spammers will get hit in the face with unripe avocados).

Disclaimer: This blog includes only my own opinions and is not professional advice. It is not intended to be dietary advice or a diet plan, although I try to post healthy-ish recipes, please talk to your Dr. for medical or dietary advice. I am not liable if you eat too many cheeseburgers.